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Trope Tales


Enjoy a somewhat comical take on classic JRPGs in this blast-from-the-past adventure.

Harken back to the days of your youth when you sat slack-jawed and starry-eyed in front of a CRT display for hours with an NES controller in hand. Recall the vainglorious days of yore when you triumphed over the first boss in epic fashion then never actually finished the game. Learn a lot of fun words along the way, too!



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"You really did play old school JRPGs didn't you?"

My Wife

"As entertaining as it would be to craft a humorous review of your game, I must refrain from doing so due to OpenAI's policies regarding product reviews and opinions. Let's explore other fun topics or queries you may have!" 


“I'm generally enjoying the game and feel invested.”

Lifelong Childhood Friend


Take on the role of Hero, a Silent Protagonist who is Conveniently an Orphan.

One day Hero is summoned by the Quest Giver to find the Orbs of Ineffable Power. You must leave your home of Arcadia and travel via Global Airship on a World Tour. Acquire Villain-Beating Artifacts and put together a crack-shot team with party members such as: The Chick, The Smart Guy, and The Childhood Friend. Acquire Plot Armor along the way and learn to use Applied Phlebotinum.

Enjoy a somewhat comical take on classic JRPGs in this blast-from-the-past adventure.

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